Natural Stone Production And Distribution

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Process Control: Improving the Productivity of Your Small Factory

Several years ago, I purchased a small clothing factory. My goal was to focus on producing quality goods that were affordable for people on fixed incomes. It didn't take me long to see that we needed to improve the production process. To get started, I brought in a production and efficiency expert. She looked at our current production layout and identified several ways to eliminate waste and shorten the amount of time needed to cut and assemble a garment. With some rearranging of machinery and job responsibilities, we were able to increase our productivity by 30% and reduce operational costs by the same amount. Whether your company produces clothing, widgets, or toys, it pays to take a second look at the process. Let me share what the expert did to help us. You may find some of those same suggestions will work for your operation.


Natural Stone Production And Distribution

31 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Natural stone is quarried. Once the stone arrives at a processing plant, it undergoes a series of cutting and polishing techniques. Stone distribution strategies involve sending finished products to wholesalers and retailers that are located nationwide.

The Acquisition

Limestone, granite, and travertine are three types of natural stone that are mined. Natural stone is acquired from the walls within a quarry. A series of cutting tools are used to remove large slabs from the walls.

A sawing technique, a drilling technique, and a blasting technique are used to collect stone slabs. The method that is used is dependent upon the natural stone variety and its location within a quarry.

The Production

After natural stone has been collected, it is classified and transported to manufacturing facilities. A manufacturing facility will cut large stone slabs into smaller stone pieces. Stone products that are manufactured will possess various shapes. The size and shape of a finished stone product will be dependent upon what it will be used for.

A manufacturing plant uses natural stones to prepare building materials, decorative materials, and functional materials. Large pieces of stone are used to produce countertops, columns, patio blocks, and other bulky items. Smaller pieces of stone are used to produce landscaping chips, pavers, and other small items.

Each block that comes from a quarry must be inspected. If there are any inconsistencies in the size and shape of a stone block, a manufacturing plant will be responsible for improving the shape and texture of a stone. The production of stone products may require that some pieces of stone are chiseled off.

The Finishing Stages

Finishing techniques include sanding and polishing stone materials. Structural stones and decorative stones may have a matte or glossy finish once they have been manufactured in a factory setting. Once all of the stone products have passed through quality control, they will be packaged and shipped to distribution centers.

The Distribution Steps

Some manufacturers may ship products out directly from the facility where they have been manufactured. Building contractors, landscapers, and other tradesmen may order stone products directly from a manufacturer.

Many of the stone products that a manufacturer has produced will be sent to a wide range of retailers and wholesalers. These products are ones that residential consumers can purchase as needed. The stones that are available for purchase can be used to perform a wide range of home improvement projects and business improvement projects. 

Contact a company like Trilite Stone Inc to learn more.