The Advantages Of Investing In Access Mats To Use With Heavy Machinery

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Process Control: Improving the Productivity of Your Small Factory

Several years ago, I purchased a small clothing factory. My goal was to focus on producing quality goods that were affordable for people on fixed incomes. It didn't take me long to see that we needed to improve the production process. To get started, I brought in a production and efficiency expert. She looked at our current production layout and identified several ways to eliminate waste and shorten the amount of time needed to cut and assemble a garment. With some rearranging of machinery and job responsibilities, we were able to increase our productivity by 30% and reduce operational costs by the same amount. Whether your company produces clothing, widgets, or toys, it pays to take a second look at the process. Let me share what the expert did to help us. You may find some of those same suggestions will work for your operation.


The Advantages Of Investing In Access Mats To Use With Heavy Machinery

16 November 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Your company's heavy machinery can be vital to its overall success and longevity. You need to protect this equipment from damage and ensure it is an asset to every project on which your company works.

However, using the equipment effectively can require you to invest in resources that are designed to accommodate its weight, bulk, and power. You may avoid compromising your heavy machinery's usefulness and safety by using access mats with it.

Environmental Protections

When you transport heavy machinery to job sites, you may have to take precautions to protect the environment around these areas. You cannot risk the equipment causing environmental damages for which your company would then be financially and legally liable.

Rather than run heavy equipment like cranes and concrete mixers across the ground and potentially cause damage like stripping or erosion, you can use access mats to transport and move them. The access mats help protect the ground that your equipment comes into contact with. They ensure the soil, grass and other environmental features remain intact and avoid burns, crushing, stripping, and other damages from it.

Easier Mobility

Further, the ground on which your job sites are located may not be entirely conducive to using heavy machinery. In fact, the equipment might sink into the ground because of how loose, muddy and boggy it is.

You cannot risk losing equipment because of it getting mired down in soft grounds. You need to keep them buoyed up and stabilized while using them. 

Access mats can keep your equipment upright and stable while they sit on boggy and soft project sites. They spare your machinery from sinking and getting stuck in mud or toppling over because the ground is too loose to support the equipment's weight and size.


Finally, access mats are designed to last for years and avoid sustaining damage from use. They are made with highly durable materials that let them bear heavy weights and tolerate coming into contact with heavy-duty machines like presses and cranes. They give you a solid return on the money you invest in them for use in conjunction with your company's heavy machinery.

Access mats can be a wise investment to make for your company and its heavy machinery. These mats help protect the environment on job sites. They also ensure your equipment can be moved, set up, and stabilized during projects. They likewise are made from durable materials to ensure their longevity and usefulness.

To learn more about access mats, contact a manufacturing supplies provider in your area such as Sandhill Plastics.