What To Look For When Purchasing Cannabis Pouch Packaging Machines

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Process Control: Improving the Productivity of Your Small Factory

Several years ago, I purchased a small clothing factory. My goal was to focus on producing quality goods that were affordable for people on fixed incomes. It didn't take me long to see that we needed to improve the production process. To get started, I brought in a production and efficiency expert. She looked at our current production layout and identified several ways to eliminate waste and shorten the amount of time needed to cut and assemble a garment. With some rearranging of machinery and job responsibilities, we were able to increase our productivity by 30% and reduce operational costs by the same amount. Whether your company produces clothing, widgets, or toys, it pays to take a second look at the process. Let me share what the expert did to help us. You may find some of those same suggestions will work for your operation.


What To Look For When Purchasing Cannabis Pouch Packaging Machines

20 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you run a marijuana cultivation facility or a dispensary, then you might be interested in pre-packaging cannabis so that it can be distributed to different dispensaries or so that you can sell it to your dispensary customers. Because of the fact that these machines can help you save time, reduce errors, and ensure that your products are packaged properly, you might be ready to buy a machine as soon as possible. Instead, though, you should check out the things listed below before purchasing a machine. Then, you can feel good in knowing that you have purchased the right machine.

What Types of Packaging Can the Machine Be Used With?

First of all, you should determine which types of packaging the machine can be used with. For example, some machines are designed specifically to be used with pouches, while others can be used with jars or plastic containers. Think about how you want to package your products now and how you might want to package them in future, and look for a machine that can accommodate these needs.

What Are the Minimum and Maximum Dispensing Amounts?

You might sell marijuana products in packages of all different sizes, from packages that include one gram to packages that include up to an ounce of product. You should look for a cannabis pouch packaging machine that works with the minimum and maximum amounts that you need to have dispensed in your packages.

Does the Machine Weigh Everything Properly?

Many of these machines will weigh and dispense product. Since accuracy is probably very important to you, you will probably like investing in cannabis pouch packaging machines that will handle the weighing for you and that have a reputation for being accurate when weighing. Additionally, you may want to find out what types of calibration processes have to be done to keep the machine weighing everything like it's supposed to.

How Big Is the Machine?

The size of the machine that you purchase does matter. In a bigger cultivation facility, you might have plenty of space, so a bigger unit might work out well. In a small dispensary back room, on the other hand, space might be limited, so you may need to look for a machine that is smaller in size but that still suits your needs.

Investing in a cannabis pouch packaging machine can be a good idea since it can help you with filling pouches quickly and accurately. Just make sure that you assess the things listed above before making your purchase. Then, you can make sure that you are buying a cannabis pouch packaging machine that will suit your cannabis business well.

For more information, contact a company like Phoenix Engineering.